Sunday, June 27, 2010

Turtles, Turtles, Turtles, Shark!

Saw many turtles this very rainy Friday./  Rained all day due to tropical storm Alex.  New experience . . . diving in an all-day rain.  The turtles came out.  We saw six turtles, two large ones on the first dive, four on the second dive.  Good stuff!  The video is outstanding.  Oh yes, a nurse shark and lobster were also in our visual in-take.  Look what you are missing.

All the best to you!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Death ... Almost

We almost died ... eaten alive by this towel animal!  Wish you weren't here.  Perhaps you won't be here next year.  More diving today.  The internet only works in the morning and around noon.  Brandon made it down fine and dove three times today.  Good stuff!  Talk to you when I can.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Breakfast Tree

Well, here I am once again in Cozumel.  Using Aqua Safari as my dive shop and Casa Mexicana as the Hotel.  Not a bad combo.  I like the bold architecture of the Mayan people and the influence upon the Mexican construction.  Cut your heart out and let it beat before your eyes.  I sit next to this pillar as I eat wonderful tasty eggs and bacon.  Not much worthless fruit, yet the OJ is out of this world.  I will show your eyes some towel animals soon.  Everyday a new animal.  By for now!  More diving tomorrow!  Here's a look at a barracuda, eel, and crab!  No, that's me, the crab is on the right.  Da!